Ya llevo en Noruega 1 semana y aún no había dado señales de vida. Es que aquí no paran, oiga!
No tengo mucho tiempo para enrollarme así que voy al grano.
- estoy en Flåm
- Aquí la primavera aún no ha llegado (ha nevado 3 días de 7 que llevo aquí)
- Mi habitación es muy chula
- La gente muy maja
- Me están bombardeando con información y "entrenamiento" para la temporada...espero sobrevivirrrrrrr.
Os dejo un croquis de mi llegada aquí, y el enlace de la página de la empresa con la que estoy:
I am finally here. Actually, have already been in Flåm for a whole week now, and we have done so many things that it feels like a month. The first few weeks are "training" weeks, so we don´t really have much free time. But I will try to keep the blog updated as much as I can.
For now, just some highlights because I have to go in a few minutes:
- I am in Flåm (Sognefjørd)
- Spring is not comming...it has been snowing 3 out of the 7 days I´ve been here!! CRAZY NORWEGIANS! ;)
- The staff house and my room are really nice.
- People seems great too.
- I am being constantly bombarded with info and I am not quite sure yet how I am going to fit everything in my messy brain...working hard on it.
Up there I left you with a little scheme of my trip to Norway from Spain, and a link to the company´s webpage.
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