Por fin.
Ya era hora de que pusiera alguno de mis viajes al alcance del pópulo...jijijiji!!!
Estoy creando un blog sólamente para el viaje que hice en Septiembre-Octubre de 2006 (este año) a Argentina.
Hay fotos y cuento un poquillo el viaje. Se aceptan sugerencias porque aún me queda más de medio viaje por contar, asi que si hay algo que echéis de menos, avisad.
Un pequeño detalle.....es en inglés. ups!!!!
ENGLISH SPEAKING PEOPLE!!! As you may not know, or maybe you do, I have been in Argentina this year (a couple months ago). Now you can see what did I see there and check some of the pictures. If there is something you think that should be included in the blog (more details, less details, other photos, some christmas songs....not the last one, please) let me know. Post your comments. This time, IS ALL IN ENGLISH. SO YOU BETTER READ IT!!!!!!!!.....Have you ever considered learning spanish?? my life would be so much easier.
I agree with your idea of creating such a wonderful blog. I'll read it as often as I can. Cheers!
ReplyDeleteI don´t like the english ,but your idea is very good ,I wont read in spanish ,pease...
ReplyDeletecoment by japo