Tuesday, December 27, 2011

Photo Update

Here we go again :)

DIVAS: Music and poems.

Friday, November 4, 2011


Hi everybody (if there´s still someone out there...)
I just published my new, great, fancy, awesome, fantastic...bla, bla, bla... blog.
This one is only about the photos.
Hope you enjo it

para todos aquellos y aquellas que de vez en cuando sigais mirando este espacio (mi espacio), os dejo el enlace del nuevo blog que he creado.
En este sólo os daré la lata con fotos. Nada más...PROMETIDO!!!

el resto de cosas que se me crucen por el camino, seguirán estando en MOANALAND.


Sunday, October 23, 2011

Illustrations: ALEX ANDREYEV

Espero que os guste. 
Ilustrador de San Petesburgo con un estilo muy particular.


Please enjoy it, because this is something special.

Saturday, October 22, 2011

BELLERUCHE: "You´re Listening To The Words"

"shy from the loudest voice
The serpent I avoid
Choose to fight a battle rare

It doesn't mean that I am bad

It doesn't mean that I am scared
It's just not worth the breath

I speak my mind when I'm at home

Censor when I'm not alone
Choose who I am open to

It doesn't mean that I am closed

It doesn't mean I've given up on hope
It's just not worth the breath

I hear when I must defend

When you've got naught to prove
I'll wait and listen to your view

It doesn't mean we must agree

It doesn't mean that you know me
It's just where it begins

We live in a time of change

Breathe in what remains
Left from worlds before

It doesn't mean we should destroy

Carry on mistakes ignored
It's just all too short

I cry when I can't express

This feeling of torment
When I can't get through to you

I do because I care

I do out of despair
Wish you could understand

I'm low when I get it wrong

When dreams have been shot down
When I reveal things I don't want to see

It doesn't mean I'm in denial

It doesn't mean I want to hide
But there's too much to bare"

Sunday, October 16, 2011

15 Oct 2011... We are there.

 Cada vez que escucho esta canción no puedo evitar pensar en todo lo que se está viviendo ahora mismo en este nuestro "primer mundo". A lo mejor es que no somos tan inteligentes como nos creemos, digo yo. Si no, que alguien me lo explique.

Everytime I listen to this song I can´t hel thnking about all that is going on now in our, so called, "first world". Maybe is that we are not as intelligent as we like to believe. Otherwise, please someone explain me how we got into this deep shhh...

MANIC STREET PREACHERS: "If You Tolerate This Your Children Will Be Next" 

"The future teaches you to be alone
The present to be afraid and cold
So if I can shoot rabbits
Then I can shoot fascists

Bullets for your brain today

But we'll forget it all again
Monuments put from pen to paper
Turns me into a gutless wonder

And if you tolerate this

Then your children will be next

And if you tolerate this
Then your children will be next
Will be next
Will be next
Will be next

Gravity keeps my head down

Or is it maybe shame
At being so young and being so vain

Holes in your head today

But I'm a pacifist
I've walked La Ramblas
But not with real intent

And if you tolerate this

Then your children will be next
And if you tolerate this
Then your children will be next
Will be next
Will be next
Will be next
Will be next

And on the street tonight an old man plays

With newspaper cuttings of his glory days

And if you tolerate this

Then your children will be next
And if you tolerate this
Then your children will be next
Will be next
Will be next
Will be next "

Wednesday, October 12, 2011

Illustrations_01: Cyril Rolando

Hoy toca ilustración. No esa "Ilustración" que según la definición de la Wikipekdia: "Fue denominado así por su declarada finalidad de disipar las tinieblas de la humanidad mediante las luces de la razón", sino ilustraciones de esas que disipan las tinieblas a través de la IMAGINACIÓN
A mi me gusta más esta segunda.
Aquí os dejo con unas preciosidades de un tal CYRIL ROLANDO 

I wish I could do this. 
These wonderful illustrations belong to Cyril Rolando. 
Enjoy it.

Sunday, October 9, 2011

Por la educación pública_fotos

 Después de muuuuucho tiempo, vuelvo a colgar alguna fotillo por aquí.
Me fui el pasado jueves 07 de octubre a la manifestación convocada por los alumnos de secundaria en favor de la Educación pública aquí en Madrid.

Fue interesante.


Hey there. This is what is going on right now in my city: Madrid. With this so called "crisis" we are submerged right now, our politicians have decided to cut on public education money...Grrrrreat! Right? The leader party in Madrid is from the right-wing, so this is going to be a harsh battle to fight.
These are some photos I took on 07.October, when students from public schools went to the streets to claim their rights.

Wish us luck...

Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Baltic Expedition_Day 1


Ya estoy navegando por los mares del Norte. 
De momento mucho sol y muy buen tiempo. Estoy haciéndome con mis tareas "domésticas".

El barco es increible: el "HANSE EXPLORER". Un barco preparado para meterse por zonas con hielo, aunque creo que en esta parte de la expedición no tendré la suerte de navegar entre cubitos :(

Os dejo un mapita del Mar Báltico para los que andéis despistados con la geografía.
Y el enlace de la expdición http://baltic.oceana.org/en/oceana-in-the-baltic